Zebra Tales

Stephanie '26

Hometown: Toronto
Groton activities: Girls cross country, JV crew, The Circle Voice, theater
Most surprising when you first arrived at Groton: Dorm check-ins. Before I attended Groton, I thought I knew what dorm life was like because of my previous experiences at a junior boarding school. However, I was extremely surprised during my first week at Groton, sitting in the inner common room with my peers, answering ice-breaker questions, and listening to stories from the day. The laughter and intimacy of those first dorm check-ins struck me and will be something I fondly remember.
Favorite class: Either English or ecology. I have really enjoyed my English classes at Groton so far; from our inquisitive class discussions to the eagerness and helpfulness of my teacher, I have developed a genuine curiosity for writing and analyzing literature. I have also loved learning about relationships between individual organisms and their environments in my ecology class, and how these relationships apply to broader issues such as climate change.  
Most memorable Groton moment: Playing volleyball with friends Saturday night on the Circle.
Favorite Dining Hall food: Winter bread
Favorite place to study: The Circle on a warm spring day or the Dillon Art Center

List of 5 news stories.

  • Winter Term

    As winter this year has come to an end, I’d like to reflect on a few things that have made my Groton experience this term especially special and meaningful. 
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  • Here's a photo of one of the kittens!

    Kittens and Croissants

    By the end of the two weeks before Thanksgiving break, I was beyond exhausted by a load of major commitments. Just in time, however, one of my close friends offered a perfect solution: we decided to visit Dr. Ibrahim's litter of kittens.
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  • Gibbet Hill

    At the top of Gibbet Hill lies the ruins of an old castle. Its stone skeleton is discolored and chipped away from weathering, and a fuzzy layer of moss lingers in the shady corners at its base. Fields of emerald grass and trees, tinged with the slightest orange of fall, surround the crumbling structure. In the vast landscape, brown and black cows leisurely graze on grass and pepper the breathtaking scenery. This is Bancroft Castle on the Gibbet Hill trail—a common site girls cross country visits annually for practice. 
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  • Shopping on a Railroad

    At the first announcement of the incoming train, absolute chaos ensued: vendors rushed to withdraw their canvas stands, scurried to bring in their products, and motioned toward the tightly packed crowd of tourists to stand behind the red line.
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  • Summer School . . .

    There were various ways I could spend the month of July, but I ended up back on campus for the GRACE summer program. GRACE, which stands for Groton Accelerate Challenge Enrich, is a program that allows rising Third Formers to prepare for the upcoming school year and/or accelerate into advanced classes.
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